

對我來說,茶不僅僅是種飲料,它更是我接觸不同文化的一種方式。我總是著迷於暗藏在茶葉裡的故事。Tea Place 是由印度著名的茶園 Manjushree 所創立,位於南德里的百貨公司 Metropolitan Mall 裡(2020更新:新德里的店面已換到了Greater Kailash),這兒是一嚐印度頂級茶的天堂。在這裡可以享受到現泡的大吉嶺、阿薩姆和各式調味茶品,喜歡的話,可以立刻就帶一盒回家。

For me, Tea is not a drink it connects me to different cultures and I am always fascinated by the stories that they hold in their leaves. The Tea Place by Manjushree in Delhi’s Metropolitan Mall is a haven for India’s finest teas. Darjeeling, Assam and the blends they have it all and the best part here is the tea drinking experience.

新德里市區裡的復古品茶時光:只屬於茶的地方 The Tea Palace
照片來源/Bring Home Stories

The Tea Palace 的復古氛圍,彷彿將時空拉回那曾經視品茶為驕奢活動的年代,而這正是 Tea Place 擁有的魅力。

A vintage feel and an ambience that transports you to the era where drinking tea was an exercise in indulgence. That is the charm of the Tea Place.

新德里市區裡的復古品茶時光:只屬於茶的地方 The Tea Palace
照片來源/Bring Home Stories

在 The Tea Place 喝茶像是種皇家體驗。這裡的座椅擺設有著適切的浪漫距離,各桌間距又恰恰能滿足私語。

Drinking tea at The Tea Place is a royal experience. The chairs are set close enough for romance and the tables are set far enough to give you the space for private conversation.

新德里市區裡的復古品茶時光:只屬於茶的地方 The Tea Palace
照片來源/Bring Home Stories

茶飲文化從中國一路傳至歐洲。中國人喝茶使用的是無把的茶杯,而英國對茶杯手把的需求,促成了像是 Wedgwood 和 Royal Dolton 等頂級瓷器公司的設立。在 The Tea Place,使用日本的皇家瓷器 Noritake 品茶,杯緣的金邊透著尊爵雅緻。

The culture of drinking tea travelled from China to Europe. The Chinese tea was served in cups without handles but in England a demand for cups with handles led to the establishment of potteries like Wedgwood and Royal Dolton.

At The Tea Place your tea arrives in Noritake crockery from Japan – as you can see the gold rim, adds that touch of Regalia.

新德里市區裡的復古品茶時光:只屬於茶的地方 The Tea Palace
照片來源/Bring Home Stories

The Tea Place 有豐富的茶品供選擇,不論是紅茶、綠茶、白茶還是調味茶都可以找得到,從平價到最高檔的茶葉都有。上茶時,茶水靜置的時間由計時器仔細掌握。我的最愛是伯爵茶與百香果茶。這裡的茶葉有些採摘自 Manjushree 的自家茶園,有些則是從競標取得。

The Tea Place has a huge collection of teas. Black teas, green teas and white teas are all available here and brewed carefully with the tea timer. Earl Grey rose and Passion Fruit Tea are our favourites. Teas are grown in Manjushree plantations and also picked up at auctions.

新德里市區裡的復古品茶時光:只屬於茶的地方 The Tea Palace
照片來源/Bring Home Stories


The steward dressed in white shirt and black apron brings back memories of “Jeeves” in the famous tales of P.G Wodehouse. “If you choose the white tea with strawberry flavor, I think the lemon pond cake will be a good one” He suggested.

新德里市區裡的復古品茶時光:只屬於茶的地方 The Tea Palace
照片來源/Bring Home Stories

德里無論是街頭還是餐廳裡,常會有雜亂糾結的電線、插頭與插座,雖然也自成一種問話但還是常令人感到礙眼。看見 The Tea Palace 店內閃著金光的插座讓我感到驚喜。這一點點小巧思也讓茶館添上了點那已然逝去的美好時光感。

Electricity wires, plugs and power sockets are always an eye sore in restaurants in Delhi. We were surprised to see elegant power boards gleaming and adding that look of lost world charm to the Tea room.

新德里市區裡的復古品茶時光:只屬於茶的地方 The Tea Palace
照片來源/Bring Home Stories

在 The Tea Place 適合讀本書、想點事情,或純粹與老友消磨掉整個美好下午都是很棒的選擇。把自己浸漬在過往的品茶氛圍,用回憶填滿這空間。


The Tea Place is great to read a book, to think or just to enjoy a lovely afternoon with old friends. Surround yourself with nostalgia and let memories fill the space.

(2020更新) The Tea Place by manjushree 的店面已經換到了Greater Kailash,地址為M – 30, Ground Floor, M Block Market, Part – 2, Greater Kailash, New Delhi, 110048。

紛亂舊德里大街上的寧靜古董茶店:Aap Ki Pasand 你的選擇




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