Journalists Could Lose Accreditation Permanently For Fake News: Centre

New Delhi: The government on Monday said the accreditation of a journalist could be permanently cancelled if the person is found generating or propagating fake news, as it came out with stringent measures to contain the menace.





印度最高學府再陷衝突:極右派領導下的印度,「被消失」的異議聲音 – YaoIndia 就是要印度

印度最高學府之一的尼赫魯大學(Jawaharlal Nehru University),從今年二月開學後,陷入嚴重的校園衝突,數千名學生、各大校內學生組織、學生會與尼赫魯教師會,一起槓上了尼赫魯大學副校長(Vice Chancellor,註一)庫馬爾(Jagadesh Kumar),從初期的希望溝通對話,演變成大規模的罷課、封鎖校園,直至現在走上街頭與警察爆發流血衝突。 …

在印度媒體與輿論掀起鋪天蓋地的反彈後,印度總理莫迪突然下令緊急撤回這項政策,繞過印度資訊與廣電部(Ministry of Information& Broadcasting)部長史莫瑞提.伊拉尼(Smriti Irani)。

PMO withdraws controversial fake news circular after media uproar

Less than 24 hours after a circular put out by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting triggered massive uproar in the media due to its accreditation guidelines for curbing fake news, the Prime Minister’s Office has reportedly withdrawn the order. The PMO said that the matter would only be addressed to the Press Council of India.


Fake news circular may have been withdrawn, but cartoonists won’t let Smriti Irani off the hook

The Smriti Irani-led Information and Broadcasting Ministry’s order suspending the press accreditation of print and television journalists accused of reporting fake news may have been short-lived, but cartoonists across major media organisations ensured that the controversy stays on in public memory, at least for a day more.


台灣教育部選派華語教師至印度釋出新缺額,位於昌迪加爾邦 (Chandigarh)、卡納塔克邦…

by 就是要印度



by 就是要印度

印度-台北協會 ITA 徵才:行銷秘書與會長秘書

印度-台北協會 (India-Taipei Association, ITA)新開職缺,徵聘行銷秘書 (Marketing…

by 就是要印度