【Taiwanese company vacancies in Chennai. Welcome both Taiwanese and Indians】

需求職務 Demand position:

1. Med-Senior OPM *1 person
(a )Mass production project management (output/yield rate/efficiency/engineering verification product project management)
(b) Communicate and coordinate internally with each unit in the mass production stage
(c) Corresponding window for mass production customers

2. Engineer*2~3 persons
(a) Communicate with customers and coordinate in the factory to ensure that the design and process ends can meet customer requirements
(b) Experience in 3C product design (mechanical design), mobile phones are good
(c) Experience in OEM products from development to mass production (PD engineering experience)
(d) Basic ability of FA analysis and FA report

工作地Location:印度清奈 Chennai, India

產品Product:手機(製造) Mobile phone manufacturing




如果有興趣應徵或有其他問題,請聯繫謝小姐,電子郵件為 [email protected]
If anyone has more questions or willing to apply for these vacancies, please contact Ms. Hsieh(Sharon), email: [email protected]


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