攝影暨作者/Danny Lee
翻譯 / 印度尤


I was invited here by an awesome beautiful friend Nancy to experience and capture the lifestyle of remote villagers and desert landscape, I’ve been staying here for 10 straight days and I have to say this is one of the best inner-self journey ever, so unforgettable and beautiful.

沙漠中的城市齋沙默爾:銀河星空、金色沙漠、無聲與我(攝影/Danny Lee)沙漠中的城市齋沙默爾:銀河星空、金色沙漠、無聲與我(攝影/Danny Lee)


– Sleeping under the clear milky way on the desert
– Camel riding to the remote villages
– Experiencing working day with villagers
– Jeep safari
– New desert hunting These are the bucket list that needs to be checked.

沙漠中的城市齋沙默爾:銀河星空、金色沙漠、無聲與我(攝影/Danny Lee)

沙漠中的城市齋沙默爾:銀河星空、金色沙漠、無聲與我(攝影/Danny Lee)

沙漠中的城市齋沙默爾:銀河星空、金色沙漠、無聲與我(攝影/Danny Lee)沙漠中的城市齋沙默爾:銀河星空、金色沙漠、無聲與我(攝影/Danny Lee)沙漠中的城市齋沙默爾:銀河星空、金色沙漠、無聲與我(攝影/Danny Lee)沙漠中的城市齋沙默爾:銀河星空、金色沙漠、無聲與我(攝影/Danny Lee)沙漠中的城市齋沙默爾:銀河星空、金色沙漠、無聲與我(攝影/Danny Lee)沙漠中的城市齋沙默爾:銀河星空、金色沙漠、無聲與我(攝影/Danny Lee)沙漠中的城市齋沙默爾:銀河星空、金色沙漠、無聲與我(攝影/Danny Lee)


Desert sound- silence, your mind goes tranquil as if you have the ability to retrieve back your truly sincerely happiness from the bottom of your heart, nothing is there but magnificent sands and you and your mind.

沙漠中的城市齋沙默爾:銀河星空、金色沙漠、無聲與我(攝影/Danny Lee)

沙漠中的城市齋沙默爾:銀河星空、金色沙漠、無聲與我(攝影/Danny Lee)

沙漠中的城市齋沙默爾:銀河星空、金色沙漠、無聲與我(攝影/Danny Lee)沙漠中的城市齋沙默爾:銀河星空、金色沙漠、無聲與我(攝影/Danny Lee)



People- unlike others from cities and any other places, they don’t need money to live on their daily basis, they don’t need to compete to survive, they grow their own crops, they can build their own houses, they dig wells and have waters to drink, they have their own communities and different villages so they are truly satisfied and truly happy on their own. This is why they are much more easy-going, friendlier and also happier, they are original.


沙漠中的城市齋沙默爾:銀河星空、金色沙漠、無聲與我(攝影/Danny Lee)沙漠中的城市齋沙默爾:銀河星空、金色沙漠、無聲與我(攝影/Danny Lee)沙漠中的城市齋沙默爾:銀河星空、金色沙漠、無聲與我(攝影/Danny Lee)沙漠中的城市齋沙默爾:銀河星空、金色沙漠、無聲與我(攝影/Danny Lee)沙漠中的城市齋沙默爾:銀河星空、金色沙漠、無聲與我(攝影/Danny Lee)沙漠中的城市齋沙默爾:銀河星空、金色沙漠、無聲與我(攝影/Danny Lee)沙漠中的城市齋沙默爾:銀河星空、金色沙漠、無聲與我(攝影/Danny Lee)沙漠中的城市齋沙默爾:銀河星空、金色沙漠、無聲與我(攝影/Danny Lee)沙漠中的城市齋沙默爾:銀河星空、金色沙漠、無聲與我(攝影/Danny Lee)



Sleeping under the milky way full of countless stars is absolutely gorgeous and like a bucket list you should write it down and check that. At night, just pitch-black darkness lighting up by stars and the moon, and the temperature was fair enough as well (before the winter and after the summer time is good and comfortable season for desert). Beds and quilts and open desert, just you and the wonder, whenever you opened your eyes it is that view of stars right above you soothing you and making you wonder all the time, it was one of the most beautiful scene in life that I witnessed.

沙漠中的城市齋沙默爾:銀河星空、金色沙漠、無聲與我(攝影/Danny Lee)沙漠中的城市齋沙默爾:銀河星空、金色沙漠、無聲與我(攝影/Danny Lee)


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